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April 22/2015


Folk Art Update of Dennis Ramsay


Over the winter months I have sold many folk art paintings of fish, flowers, people and landscapes. I advertise in different newspapers like The Advertiser, Kings County Register, Spector, Advocate, Vonguard, and so on and on.


On April 21, 2015 I received a letter from Beverly Gentleman, Development Officer for the Town of Kentville. In 2014 I was able to have 6 paintings out for art displays on Saturdays and Sundays between 9am and 5pm. Now in 2015 I am restricted to 5 paintings for art displays at 27 Canaan Ave. in Kentville.


I think I should be able to display 40 or 50 paintings because yard sellers can display and sell 2000 or 4000 items. Dennis Ramsay believes this is bullying and discrimination against Dennis Ramsay. Over the last 3 years Town Hall in Kentville has made my life hard and painful with their singling me out to bully and serve up discrimination in the town of Kentville, Nova Scotia.


In the next Kentville election Dennis Ramsay wants to run for Mayor of Kentville.  


Please contact me with your ideas for a better future.


© 2015 by Tanya.Bailey created with

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